Monday, June 8, 2009

My 20 year class reunion?

Another fact that does not seem possible. I have been out of high school for 20 years!!! What how did that happen??

This past weekend I had the priviledge of attending a graduation party for a friend and co-worker of mine. (I have worked with her mother long enough to see Lisa grow up... she was two weeks old when her mom started working at our dealership... we won't go there) She is so excited about the future! It is great to see her optimizim and positive attitude. We played volleyball and generally had a good time.

It made me think... how great live is and how much time and energy I wasted worrying about things out of my control. I wish I would have started defining myself by what I think is important rather than letting others and society tell me what is important. I wish I would have not worried about my hair and make-up or the size of my butt nearly as much. I wish I would have realized that EVERYONE has things that they feel insecure about. We are all in this together and need to help each other out rather than put each other down. So what if people are different? That is what makes us interesting! Does who we were in high school matter even six months after graduation... I would have to say not really.

The more accepting I become of both myself and others the better live gets!

I look forward to going to my reunion and seeing all these people in a different light and enjoy myself!!! Watch out Emmett I am on my way. I am also going to be driving the dealership's 2010 Camaro. I hope I don't get arrested for driving too fast (just kidding.... McKayla will be with me). This is the first time I have looked forward to this drive in years~!!!!

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