Monday, June 8, 2009

My 20 year class reunion?

Another fact that does not seem possible. I have been out of high school for 20 years!!! What how did that happen??

This past weekend I had the priviledge of attending a graduation party for a friend and co-worker of mine. (I have worked with her mother long enough to see Lisa grow up... she was two weeks old when her mom started working at our dealership... we won't go there) She is so excited about the future! It is great to see her optimizim and positive attitude. We played volleyball and generally had a good time.

It made me think... how great live is and how much time and energy I wasted worrying about things out of my control. I wish I would have started defining myself by what I think is important rather than letting others and society tell me what is important. I wish I would have not worried about my hair and make-up or the size of my butt nearly as much. I wish I would have realized that EVERYONE has things that they feel insecure about. We are all in this together and need to help each other out rather than put each other down. So what if people are different? That is what makes us interesting! Does who we were in high school matter even six months after graduation... I would have to say not really.

The more accepting I become of both myself and others the better live gets!

I look forward to going to my reunion and seeing all these people in a different light and enjoy myself!!! Watch out Emmett I am on my way. I am also going to be driving the dealership's 2010 Camaro. I hope I don't get arrested for driving too fast (just kidding.... McKayla will be with me). This is the first time I have looked forward to this drive in years~!!!!

My Baby is Nine Years Old!!!

On May 24th my little girls turned 9! That does not even seem possible. I was watching her ride on her Grandma's horse the other day and could not believe how tall she has gotten. Where did my baby go????

I know there are several of you thinking... 9 that is not that old. I know some of you just got to watch your baby graduate from high school or have a baby starting high school in the fall. I am not ready for that!! I can't even imagine how that would feel.

I don't want to miss anything. I want to savor every event, every moment because I know they will be gone all too soon. I look at how fast the last 9 years have gone and know the next will go even faster!

This picture is from our camping trip to celebrate her birthday! She is with her "little sister" Sparkle. Yes, that is the dog... I wouldn't name a child Sparkle. We had a fantastic time!!! It rained and was cold at times but we still had a great time. We went on hikes and McKayla even go to do a little tubing behind the boat. We went on four wheeler rides and hung out by the fire. She had a blast and so did I.

I love that little girl so much!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am going to Blog again...

McKayla and I spent the winter skiing and that was about it! McKayla got in more than 20 days of skiing. I got in almost as many, but hurt my knee and that took me out for a couple of weeks. I also got really sick for a couple of weeks... thank goodness it was when my knee was hurt. It would have been really bad to miss out twice.

McKayla loved skiing. By the end of the season she went down a black diamond run and thought the blue runs were a piece of cake. She is amazing. She was going off jumps and having a great time. I love seeing life through her eyes. She is so funny and fun loving. I hope she does not lose that when she gets older.

McKayla has been continuing with her gymnastics. She had a meet a few weeks ago. She did really well. She was also excited Nana came up from Boise to watch her. She did really well and had a good time. She has another meet on May 2nd.

Dan took the pictures and they turned out really good. I am very thankful that he was able to get some good ones. It seems I never get any good ones of her doing gymnastics.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Skeet Shooting and Skiing

At the end of the day...she was still up right and had a huge smile on her face. We had a great time. It was sunny and a B-E-A-T-U-tiful day at Lost Trail.

Meghan and McKayla tried skiing for the first time together. This picture is at the lodge before we got started. They both tired really had and had a good time. McKayla said she thinks skiing is "awesome" and can't wait to go agian. She wants to go next weekend... and that is not soon enough for her. After her lesson, I came back and she was so excited. She was yelling... "watch me Mom". She and I skied down the bunny hill together and she had her hands over her head yelling "whoo hoo!". It was a great day! I had a good time getting in a few runs while they were in the hands of a professional instructor.

Kelly, Lynn and I went skeet shooting for the first time. It was very fun! It was a little cold but still a blast! It was cold enough and the batteries in my camera were close enough to being dead, my camera would not work outside. I was not able to get any action shots unfortunately. We all did better than we thought we would and had more fun than we thought we would too. Kelly and I decided 2009 will be our year of firsts and trying new things. We are going to sign up for a scuba diving class together too.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Snow Shoeing and Flying

How Many eight year olds do you know who have the opportunity to sit on a private plan chatting on the phone? I took this picture to remind McKayla what a lucky little girl she is. She got to spend the afternoon flying around the Missoula, Seeley Lake, Bob Marshall National forest when lots of adults never get that chance. Next time she tells me "that's not fair all my friends....." I am going to break out this picture and remind her she is the luckiest little girl alive. She actually is really good at being grateful. I am impressed by her thoughtfulness and gratitude on a regular basis. what a GREAT day!!!! It is so nice to be living in Montana again!!!

The view from the plane as seen by McKayla. We went for a short flight on Saturday 1/3/2009. It was a great way to start out the new year. It is incredibly pretty, even when everything is all white.

Kelly, Craig and I went snow shoeing! It was a new experience for me... something I had been wanting to try. It was very fun. I was a little worried about cold, but it is hard work and therefore I was HOT!! I was taking off layers. It snowed most of the day but so beautiful and peaceful! I enjoyed being outside and hanging out with good friends!

New Years

Katie and Nick bought a new car and drove up on New Year's Eve to pick it up. They brought Aunt Weezy a.k.a Lisa with them. It was a short but fun trip. We hung out at Dad and Donna's house with the whole family until 11 or so. Then Weezy came to our house for a Wii party. All three of us stayed up until 1 am playing Wii. I kicked but at boxing. McKayla laughed and laughed, she thought Weezy and I boxing was a very funny sight.


I am so blessed to have McKayla in my life. She is smart, funny and so sweet!! I can't imagine life without her in it. I try to take time to enjoy these times, I know they won't last forever. She is growing up so fast. She told me she had a great Christmas because she got to be with so many people she loves. She is pretty insightful for an eight year old.

McKayla got a keyboard from Grandma and Papa. She was very excited! She is going to start taking piano lessons. She got a book from Aunt Kristine and has been working at learning a lot by herself! She is an amazing girl!

Santa brought us a Wii!!! It is very fun. McKayla's favorite game is baseball. I think they are all pretty fun. Tennis is my current favorite. McKayla also got a High School Musical sing along game. She had a friend over the other day they had a great time singing their hearts out. McKayla told me I was not allowed to sing too when her friend where over. I am not sure if I should be offened or not?

We had a great Christmas! McKayla got everything she could have hoped for. We had a nice day and played hard with Grandma Donna, Papa, Aunt Kristine, Uncle Clayton, Uncle Kevin and Courtney. We opened presents at Grandma and Grandpa Mohns on Christmas Eve, then had a good morning at our house and finally headed out to Grandma Donna's and Papa house for the rest of the day! We played on snowmobiles out in the field. McKayla wasn't sure at first but had a good time. She was smart... she rode on the snowmobile instead of being pulled on the sled behind. It was cold on the sled!